
Publié le par remi

apres quelques deconvenues, je me rejouissais de faire (enfin!) du shopping sur le net.
je passe commande de bouquins.
non contente de m'avoir fait saisir mon numero de carte bancaire et la possibilité de me débiter, l'Amazone veut aussi que je lui faxe (qui, dis-moi, possede encore un fax a l'heure du telephone mobile et de l'internet?) un relevé de compte avec mon adresse dessus qui soit concordante avec la carte.

J'veux pas etre sexiste mais, chere Amazone,
- tu m'débites et tu me laisse envoyer mes cadeaux ou je veux.
- tu notes gentiment que je viens JUSTE de recevoir ma carte et que je suis un acheteur aussi enthousiaste qu'impatient qui n'a pas recu de bank statement et qui n'a pas envie d'attendre de recevoir un bank statement avant que d'etre livré,
- que de plus, faute de ne pouvoir commander chez toi, je risque fort de ne jamais recevoir de billing statement,
so, dear Amazon, go fuck yourself!

Greetings from Amazon.co.uk.

Please note that your order is currently on hold pending the verification of your billing information. We will proceed with your order as soon as we receive a recent statement for the debit/credit card you referenced for this order.

At your earliest convenience, please fax us a statement which displays the billing name and address for the card. If your card statement is only available online, you may print off a recent statement and fax it to us.

Our fax number is:0208-636-9326 (from within the UK) +44-208-636-9326 (from outside the UK)

Please annotate both the order number and email address clearly (yeah right! utilise un fax mais fais reference aux technologies modernes). You may of course cover any details relating to transactions and account numbers; these are not necessary for the billing verification process.

At this time, your Amazon.co.uk account has been placed on hold and you will not be able to access your order information online. Please do not place a new order or open a new account. We will process any outstanding orders as soon as the billing information has been verified.

Do note that the statement must be sent via fax as we are unable to interpret attachments via email.  un comble pour une societe internet!!  pour However, if you do not have access to a fax machine, you may send your statement via post to the following address: ___

reponse qui disait en substance:
- si vous voulez verifier mon adresse et que j'existe, allez sur mon site web.
- sinon, expliquez-moi pourquoi je dois vous communiquer ces informations que d'autres sites de shopping par internet n'exigent pas...

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Amazon.co.uk with regards to your recent order.

We are sorry to hear of your disappointment with our security procedures. We understand that the orders affected by our transaction verification procedure do suffer a short, but regrettable, delay and that this can be a source of inconvenience for some of our customers. However, we do hope that you appreciate that our verification procedure is initiated in our customers' best interests (eh ben non, j'apprecie pas du tout) - to make shopping with Amazon a safe and secure experience (je vois pas en quoi faxer un billing address est plus safe & secure quand on a deja envoyer tous ses details bancaires via le net). We regret that until the billing verification process has been completed, we will not be able to proceed with your existing order, and you will not be able to shop with Amazon.co.uk or its partner sites.

At your earliest convenience, please fax us a statement which displays the billing name and address for the card. Our fax number is: 0208-636-9326 (from within the UK) +44-208-636-9326 (from outside the UK).

fax machine, you may send your statement via post to the following address:

Billing Verification
Patriot Court
1-9 The Grove

***Please note*** Customer Service will not be able to assist you with this matter via telephone. However, we can expedite the verification process if you follow the instructions above.

***Please note*** Thank you for your patience with our security measures. Please write to address-verification@amazon.co.uk should you have any further questions.

Warmest regards,


2.12.05 - nécessité faisant loi, je decouvre que la librairie Anagram a Prague peut commander et livrer a domicile tous les livres que je désire.

Publié dans Humour - humeurs

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et me voilà largué !!!! Bon en gros, y'à mieux qu'amazon, non ?
has olvido de decirlo en espanol lol <br /> joder amazon